
January 28, 2008

Rob Beales and Cuitla Huezo have completed the working script for Broken Girls. Originally dubbed "schoolgirls versus zombies", the story follows four troubled young women imprisoned in a boarding school from hell. Artist submissions are currently being reviewed in anticipation of getting the graphic novel completed for this year's Comic-Con.

The Broken Girls concept debuted in 2006 and, with conceptual artwork added by artist Mike Ebert in 2007, interest jumped even higher and efforts towards completion ramped up. Beales previously wrote Water Fight for Ancient Squid. Huezo has been a jack-of-all-trades for the company as an editor, letterer, website designer, and general creative and managerial dynamo. Huezo and Beales have collaborated before on a pair of short film projects and several screenplays, but this is their first experience co-writing a graphic novel.

Look for a Broken Girls preview coming soon!

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